FUMAPEST Sydney 1300 241 500 • AQIS • ISPM15 • Fumigation |
Fumigation of Furniture - Shipping Containers - Wood Packaging for Import Export |
FUMAPEST Fumigation Services are AQIS ISPM 15 accredited fumigators to meet the ISPM-15 Standard for fumigation of wood packaging prior to export.
AQIS Accreditation 091 for the FUMAPEST Bankstown fumigation chamber - close to M5 Fairford Road exit.
AQIS Accreditation 092 - Mobile service - at your commercial depot provided site area is sufficient - contact us to arrange a free inspection. |
Fumigation of cereal grains and food-stuffs using phosphine can also be carried out but these products must remain in the fumigation chamber for at least 7 to 10 days in accordance with Government requirements. |
Mobile service - we come to you: Provided the site area is sufficient i.e. a suitable size concrete slab is available on-site. If so, you will save on transport costs, loading and unloading time involved in obtaining fumigation services from FUMAPEST. |
Fumigation chamber at Bankstown - close to M5 use the Fairford Road exit. Full methyl bromide fumigation facility for ISPM 15 wood-packaging, shipping containers, furniture, pianos, foodstuffs, flowers and the like at our Bankstown head office, warehousing and methyl bromide fumigation facilities.
ISPM 15 Wood-Packaging - AQIS Accredited - prompt service - 36 hour turnaround guaranteed - all timber packaging timbers requiring fumigation for export are treated in accordance with AWPCS and ISPM15. However, the maximum volume delivery for our Bankstown site is 60 cubic metres at any one time to be within the 36 hour guarantee period.
Contact FUMAPEST Fumigation Service Manager - John Brooks on 0438 334 458 |
ISPM 15 stamp applied to Treated Timbers |
36 hour turnaround - methyl bromide fumigation for ISPM 15 certification of wood-packaging for export. Immediately upon fumigation, the necessary ISPM 15 stamp is applied to each item of wood-packaging indicating required treatment has been carried out. A FUMAPEST fumigation certificate and the stamp is required by ISPM 15 for acceptance by Customs Authorities of the importing country.
Almost 50 years experience: FUMAPEST has almost 50 years of experience in methyl bromide fumigations of items for export. We employ four full-time WorkCover licensed fumigators. FUMAPEST is AQIS accredited as part of the AQIS Onshore Fumigation Scheme for imported container and product fumigations.
Prompt and professional: FUMAPEST is a highly organised pest control business. We believe our high standard of service and reliability is second to none - contact John Brooks on 0438 334 458 |
As from 1st September 2004 AQIS will accept solid
timber packaging and dunnage compliant with ISPM 15 in addition to packaging
which meets existing AQIS requirements. Solid wood packaging excludes packaging
made entirely from composite boards, plywood, and medium density fibre
board. Please see AQIS's
ICON database for
import conditions for these products.
For AQIS purposes, ISPM 15 treated
(1) Will NOT require a treatment certificate, provided the packing
declaration indicates ISPM 15 compliance and freedom from bark,
(2) Will
NOT need to satisfy the 21 day rule. There is no limitation on time between
treatment and shipping this may be reviewed / changed by AQIS, and,
(3) Will be considered acceptable under existing AQIS Compliance Agreement arrangements.
The ISPM 15 wood-packaging declaration must contain:
(1) Letterhead or company stamp,
(2) Date or vessel/voyage reference,
(3) consignment identifier or numerical ink,
(4) Straw declaration,
(5) Timber declaration and bark declaration where required, and,
(6) Signature.
The revised packing declaration includes a new question relating to timber packaging. Question to be asked if all solid timber packing in the consignment has been marked with ISPM 15 compliant stamps.
If YES, an acceptable
treatment has been performed on the packing, and
If NO,
consignments must be accompanied either by an acceptable treatment certificate
or directed for AQIS inspection. A no response means that some or all of the
packing is not marked with the ISPM 15 stamp.
All other packaging is subject to existing AQIS requirements
and approved treatments. For further information - go to Cargo Containers: Quarantine aspects and procedures. |
Links : AQIS ISPM 15 Fumigation Requirements |
About FUMAPEST Fumigation Services |
SAME FAMILY BUSINESS SINCE 1964 - FUMAPEST Sydney Pest Pest Control is a second generation family business - after 50 years in business, we have acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience, unmatched by our competitors.
BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AWARD - FUMAPEST Sydney Pest Control recieved the prestigious Business Enterprise Award from the NSW Govt Office of Small Business and Qantas - for our safety approach and comprehensive staff training programs.
Accredited APCA Member - FUMAPEST is an Accredited Member and major supporter of the Australian Pest Controllers Association Inc since it's incorporation in 1987.
Industry stewardship - A FUMAPEST Director served as member of NSW Govt Pest Control Licensing Board from 1988 to 1996 and Standards Australia Termite Control Committees - AS3660 Termite Protection - AS4349 Termite Inspection Reports. |
Contact FUMAPEST Fumigation Service Manager - John Brooks on 0438 334 458
AQIS Accredited Fumigators - FUMAPEST one of a few in NSW accredited by AQIS Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service for methyl-bromide fumigation of shipping containers - ISPM15 wood-packaging for export - furniture - foodstuffs - at our Bankstown premises. FUMAPEST provides a mobile fumigation service on your commercial premises, provided you have sufficient area ... more details.
HACCP Quality Assured - FUMAPEST Pest Control is compliant with HACCP and AQIS requirements for commercial food handling premises, restaurants, hospitals, child care centres, retirement villages, nursing homes, schools, colleges, churches and other sensitive environments.
Fully insured - excellent track record - FUMAPEST Fumigation Services has public liability and professional indemnity insurance to cover claims personal injury and faulty workmanship, including repairs and treatment costs re termite damage to buildings, of up to $10 million and $1 million respectively. FUMAPEST has not made an insurance claim related to fumigation problems for more than 20 years.
NSW WorkCover Licensed Fumigators - all FUMAPEST Fumigations are carried out by our staff that are NSW Govt WorkCover Licensed Fumigators and possess many years experience in fumigation for export and import.
FUMAPEST Fumigation Training Program regularly assesses and updates each Technician on WorkCover and AQIS Fumigation Regulations.
For further information phone John Brooks on 0438 334 458 |
FUMAPEST Termite & Pest Control services the waverley Council Region |